Casa de Retiro el Mirador | Visitors Permitted 24/7 Visitors Permitted 24/7 | Casa de Retiro el Mirador

Visitors Permitted 24/7

So you can always be with them

We know how important it is for the families of older people to be aware of them, however many times their schedules do not allow them to care for them in the way they would like and it is precisely for this reason that they start the search for a retirement home where they can take care of their loved one just as they would like to do, because they know they deserve the best care and attention possible, however it is completely understandable that doing it themselves is not possible and in fact the best decision is to find a place where they can do it, this is the greatest proof of affection and care. 

Casa de Retiro el Mirador | Visitors Permitted 24/7
Casa de Retiro el Mirador | Visitors Permitted 24/7

Having the assurance that our loved ones are being cared for in the best way creates a feeling of tranquility and this does not mean that we are disobligating from them, quite the opposite. And as already mentioned, regularly people who seek retirement homes for their seniors, do so because they have very tight schedules that do not allow them to provide the care and attention necessary to these, and for the same reason that they have very tight schedules, something that worries them are the visiting hours, to adjust to them and maintain the relationship and constant contact with their beloved one, while this continues to be served in the best possible way. 

In El Mirador Assisted Living we are always looking to provide all possible facilities that can provide comfort and happiness to both our residents and their families, so we have the facility that they can make their visits to our residents at the time they want the day they want. We allow visits 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with the only intention of removing another concern from the families of our residents, so that they do not have to mortify themselves by adjusting their schedules in order to be able to make their visits and thus facilitate them and so that the link or contact with the elderly is not lost, as this is also very important for their welfare.